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New Trends in Social Media 2024

What’s Trending?

  • Short-form Video Content: Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels have revolutionized content consumption. Therefore, short engaging videos are the way forward.
  • Authentic Engagement: Authenticity resonates. Consumers prefer genuine interactions over polished ads.
  • E-commerce Integration: Social media platforms are increasingly incorporating shopping features, allowing direct purchases.

Boomers on Social Media: A Growing Trend

The digital landscape is witnessing a surprising trend: the increasing engagement of Baby Boomers on social media platforms. Contrary to popular belief, this demographic is not just active but also wields significant spending power.

A comprehensive study by GlobalWebIndex reveals fascinating insights. For instance, Boomers are not just passive consumers of content; they actively engage in online shopping, making them a valuable audience for new businesses. This demographic’s preferences and behaviors offer a unique marketing opportunity. They value authenticity and quality, making them loyal customers once won over.

Interesting Findings:

  • Boomers are increasingly using social media for product research and purchases.
  • They prefer platforms like Facebook and Pinterest, highlighting a need for targeted marketing strategies.
  • The number of baby boomers who use TikTok has grown 57% since 2021 (source: GWI)

Strategies for Entrepreneurs

1. Leverage Video Content

Video content, especially in short-form, has taken social media by storm. If you already have video content, consider repurposing it into shorter, more digestible formats. This can be achieved through AI tools or by hiring a professional editor to avoid the hassle of editing. Short videos are not only engaging but also shareable, increasing your content’s reach.

2. Foster Authenticity

Behind-the-scenes videos are a fantastic way to showcase authenticity. Share glimpses of your day-to-day business operations, the process of creating a product, or even team interactions. This transparency builds trust and a personal connection with your audience. Remember, consumers are increasingly drawn to brands that exhibit realness and reliability.

3. Tap into E-commerce Features

Social media platforms are integrating e-commerce features, providing a seamless shopping experience. Utilize these features to create a straightforward path from discovery to purchase. For instance, Instagram’s shopping tags allow users to buy products directly from your posts. Embracing these tools can significantly boost your online sales.


For aspiring entrepreneurs, the key to success in social media lies in staying informed, being authentic, and effectively using the platform’s tools. Embrace these new trends in social media and strategies to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey in the digital world

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July 26, 2024 | 10AM CST | Online Event

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